Our Services

Family Proceedings

I work with vulnerable people in the family courts, at all stages of the legal process. I understand how the family court works and ensure that I provide a vital service for people at some of the most difficult and distressing moments of their lives.

My role is to ensure that every vulnerable person fully understands the process, is actively involved in any decision making, and can respond to questions accurately when giving instructions to their legal team and or when they are giving evidence. Following a thorough assessment, I provide a report detailing communication recommendations and any special measures which your client may need.

Criminal Proceedings

Alternatively, if your client has learning difficulties or mental health issues which are affecting their ability to understand and communicate, they may benefit from being assessed by an intermediary.

Following a thorough assessment, I will help your client to prepare for, and participate in, the trial. The recommendations may include the use of an intermediary or may give guidelines to follow which do not need the intervention of an intermediary.

On some occasions, my assessment may conclude that an intermediary cannot assist as the defendant is functioning at too low a level to fully understand the proceedings. My role is always to support vulnerable people going through the justice system, whilst acting as an impartial officer of the court.